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Monday, March 4, 2019

Collapse of Civilizations Because of Climate Change: Is It Time To Worry?

I recently came across this article from the BBC which looked at whether or not we (the current humans living on earth and our civilization) are on the road to collapse. The author looked at and surveyed ancient civilizations from as early as 3000BC to see what led to their demise. There were a mix of factors (some with unique events which led to their sudden demise like a major defeat in battle, coups, etc. ). But what's striking are the common reasons why civilizations collapse. Of the six factors, three relate to how we are continuously destroying and misusing the natural earth: CLIMATIC CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, and indirectly INEQUALITY AND OLIGARCHY. Let's briefly have a look at each and see if these are happening now.

No doubt (and I must say THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED) that climate change is happening. We have more severe (and unexpected) weather happening year after year in different parts of the world. Floods, droughts, snow storms, heat waves, cold spells, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones - you name it and we've all experienced the worst of it. Just a few days ago, weather in London was reported to be at its highest during winters at 20 degrees Celsius. Sure people there had a good time basking in the sun and enjoying the warmer than usual weather - but it got scientists and climate activists worried at whats to come. In the Philippines, weather authorities are asking people to brace themselves for a stronger than usual El Nino year -  which means a drier summer and a wetter rainy season!

Let's now talk about environmental degradation - another no brainer in my opinion. Despite the positive results we are seeing nowadays - more people are now aware and doing the bit that they can to save the environment that's left - it is all still not enough. Forests continue to be cut, species are still becoming extinct by the day (by some estimates), and our rivers, lakes, and oceans have yet to be freed from our plastic and rubbish. Our consumerism and wasteful lifestyle have pushed our natural resources and nature's carrying capacity to alarming levels. Last year, plastic was the enemy. This year, UN Environment is targeting fast fashion - a little-know massive waste producer by shoppers!

Lastly, you have inequality and oligarchy. These I think are the results of both climate change and environmental degradation. As natural resources become more scarce, those who are already impoverished will have more difficulty accessing their basic needs - while the 1% (the oligarchs in society) do everything that they can to ensure they keep their 1% status (but note that not all are like this, and there are philanthropists who are using their wealth to make a difference).

I'm sure all these seem familiar and many are not surprised. So back to my question - is it time to worry? My answer is yes. If you care about what's ahead in a few years time, then yes it is time to worry. If you want a world which can sustain life for your children and grandchildren, and their children, then yes it is time to worry. If you are disturbed at the path which society and civilization is taking now, then it's time to worry. If you are bothered because your own family member, your spouse, child, office mate, or friend simply doesn't care about climate change and the whole host of environmental issues, then it's time to worry.

But my message is this - translate that worry into action, channel your worry to inspire you and those closest to you to act. Use that inner voice telling you to worry to move to a more positive tone. Taking cue from Atty. Tony Oposa, now is not the time to worry, the time for action is now! 


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