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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Green Thumb Coalition: Are Clean and Green Philippine Elections in 2019 Possible?

Last month environmental groups and frontline organizations from the Philippines launched the Green Thumb Coalition - with the goal of urging candidates to veer away from waste and embrace a green platform. They also want candidates to to commit to advance policies in promoting the environment, sustainable development, and people's welfare. The GTC is composed of over 40 national and local organizations which tackle various environmental and social issues.

The GTC also encouraged candidates to align their platform with solutions to issues concerning dirty and costly energy, waste management, comprehensive land use, mining, climate justice, biodiversity, human rights, and sustainable development, collectively known as the Green Electoral Platform.

Each elections green groups and environmental advocates have called upon candidates and politicians to adopt a green agenda, to openly commit to supporting legislative proposals that benefit nature and the environment. However and sadly, many politicians only pay lip service and their promises remain just that - promises. As the Filipino saying goes - mga pangakong napapako! (promises that hit a nail and burst a tire). Ask them their stand on a critical environmental issue, and most likely you'll get the same motherhood statements you usually hear. Details are missing, and commitment is often lacking.

Then there is the issue of electoral waste - tarpaulins, flyers, souvenirs, pocket calendars, baller IDs, and the the list goes on! Sure elections do drive up the Philippine economy with all the campaign spending and extra work for people as watchers and paid volunteers. But all these happens at the cost of the environment. Worse is the fact that environment and climate change are not really prioritized by the candidates. Who gives nature a voice during elections?

This makes the Green Electoral Platform of GTC all the more important during an election. Candidates should commit to the most pressing environmental issues, so if they get elected the people can hold them accountable for failing to fulfill their promises. It's a given that environmental degradation and climate change are most pressing challenges of our time. It's a crisis, and action is needed, now and urgently. Voters should also demand that candidates have a greener campiagn - go for environmentally friendly and recycled materials, use non-print media more to save on paper, and reduce waste in all aspects of the campaign operation. If voters start demanding, then candidates will start answering.

More later on the what the agenda can include, and some specific issues to watch out for.

For now, let's support the Green Thumb Coalition, and start giving mother nature a voice in our elections.

For more information and sources: 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

And We’re Back!!!

Almost 10 years since I started my blog, and almost 9 years since my last post, I have decided to once again share my ideas, thoughts, and ramblings to those interested out there. I began my blog to share my views on current events and life in general – a way to share stories, start conversations, stir emotions, provoke action, build support, and many more. This space can be a place where people from all walks of life can hopefully pick something useful for what’s important for them – be it their family, their work or career, the country, religion, or simply life itself. I also saw this blog as a place where I can share things I am passionate about, and hopefully awaken your senses into sharing and fighting for the what is good, right, and just.

10 years on and I by God’s grace I have become a lawyer and legal practitioner. But not your usual type – I have specialized in environment and climate change law, a bit on sustainable development, natural resources, and governance and human rights in general. I’ve worked in government, with NGOs, the private sector, and with international organizations, both in the Philippines and around Asia. Hence the re-focus of the blog to include the environment. You’ll hear more on this from me as we all grapple with environmental degradation and the impacts of climate change (just before writing this the BBC reported that due to climate change there will be a loss of insects like bees and beetles, but more pests like cockroaches and flies! Globalization and development indeed!!!).

So watch this space – there’s more to come!