Here's a story which would hopefully inspire people out there who think that nothing should be done to help our environment (or perhaps are to lazy to actually do anything).
A year ago, I picked up an idea from one of my professors on how to have your own compost pit at home. It's really simple: all you need is a pail, a balde, some soil (depends on how much biodegradable waste you have), and perhaps a small shovel. Put some soil in the, enough to cover the bottom. Then throw in your waste; place them in such a way as to cover the soil. After this, sprinkle some soil over the waste. Repeat the process until the pail is full. At this point, it would be advisable to have a second pail as your next compost pit. Eventually, you will be using the soil (with the decomposted waste) as the soil you will use to cover your new waste.
Now, to the story of the convert. Before, I was the only one at home who put my biodegradable watse into the compost pit. About 2 weeks ago, I convinced my mother, and eventualy my entire household, to place any biodergadable waste into the compost pit. And as it turns out, they were impressed with the results. The amount of grabage we throw has been significantly reduced, and my mother has noticed it. Now, we not only recycle our plastics and papers, we even compost our own waste. The soil that will be produced by the pit can be used to beef up other plants, or can be used as healthy soil for new plants.
Now, I hope this will inspire the lazy and the skeptical to do your part to save the environment.