A few minutes ago, I watched on CNN as US Pres. Obama signed a resolution reversing the Bush Administration's policy on stem cell research. Personally, I think it was a sad moment for pro-life advocates like me.
Obama's move paved the way for scientists to use embryos for their stem cell research. It also allows the possibility of "harvesting" embryos to facilitate the research. Obama said that his Administration's policy will be guided "by science and not by ideology" and that safeguards will be taken so no one will overstep their bounds. This is in addition to one of the first actions taken by the US President - shortly after being sworn in, Obama reversed the Bush policy of cutting funding abroad for abortions and artificial family planning methods, which I believe is another not so good move by the President.
I think these are very dangerous statements from probably the most powerful man on the planet. He will allow science to determine decisions that his administration will make, most likely at the expense of ethics and morality concerns and issues. He will allow the unborn to be threatened for the sake of research done by scientists who probably don't give a damn about the embryo's life for as long as they get their answers.
I agree that stem cell research may pave the way for the development of cures for diseases like cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's; and I believe that God has given man the capacity for knowledge and the gift of science to improve our lives and make it better. However I also believe that life, be it of the born or the unborn, is sacred and nothing should threaten it - not even science. Research and experiments should be used responsibly within the bounds of ethics, morality and even natural law. Stem cell research can be done using strictly adult stem cells, there is no need to use embryos. Also, I strongly believe that there is no need for the US government to fund abortions outside of its territories: keep it in your own backyard Obama!
Sadly Obama's policies, I must say, are irresponsible and threaten the value of human life. Even though it may reap some benefits for humankind in the future, it is not worth risking the unborn of today . Perhaps Obama needs to rethink these policies, listen to his conscience and guide the whole world into a path where morality, ethics, faith, and values play a big part in the decisions that we make.